

Which language is best, C, C++, Python or Java?

I think trying to come to a conclusion of the ‘best’ programming language is kind of ridiculous. They were all designed to perform different functions and they all behave a little differently
Which language is best, C, C++, Python or Java

I think trying to come to a conclusion of the ‘best’ programming language is kind of ridiculous. They were all designed to perform different functions and they all behave a little differently. Sometimes two might be similar but its apples to oranges in most cases. Also, consider that the skill level of the programmer is going to have a big influence on the usefulness of any language. Because of how people work/think, they might gravitate towards one language or another and have different preferences. All languages cannot accomplish all things and if there was one solid answer to this question, half of the questions on Quora wouldn’t be here.
However, if you are looking at this from a career perspective, as in, which language will be the most in demand or have the highest pay, that is a much different question.
C and C++ are more low level programming languages. Anyone with a computer science degree probably learned some or a lot of both as part of their degree. They will likely tell you that that you NEED to learn C or C++ as a foundation to learning other languages. While this is definitely sound advice, it’s not absolutely necessary. These are great foundation languages to learn but I think you will find far less jobs directly related to them, especially at the entry level.
C Salary in United States - $92.7k/year

C++ Salary in United States- $88.8k/year.

Java is used a lot in the current market place. Many web apps and mobile apps are built using Java so there is a direct need for competent Java programmers. If you have little/no coding experience, Java is probably going to be a little easier to pick up but it is still going to take a lot of work. However, as I said, I think you will have more options from a job perspective.
Java Salary in United States- $95k/year

If you have little to no experience and are wanting to start trying to learn how to program, Python is a GREAT place to start. It is very readable for a beginner and can be applied practically. While no programming language is necessarily easy to learn, Python prides itself on being a little simpler syntax-wise. While Python is a great language to have in your arsenal, there are usually not a lot of Python specific job openings.

I pulled the above salary info from YouWorth. YouWorth is a free mobile app for both iOS and Android that tracks programmer salary data. Not only am I a champion for the product, but I use it myself. The app allows anyone to import LinkedIn skills and track their job market value over time. I'm also notified if there is a change in the skills being watched.

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